сайт Министерства Иностранных Дел Донецкой Народной Республики и Новороссии |
Official website of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the DPR |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People's Republic would like to remind everyone that since the 12th of May, the date of tally of votes cast at the Independence Referendum, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic are sovereign states being in the process of association at present. The documents signed by the present Kiev government or the Government of former Ukraine have no force in the territory of the DPR. Accordingly, any documents issued by the OSCE mission, including the OSCE Decision No. 1117 of March 21, 2014 on Deployment of an OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, as well as other international organizations specifying "Ukraine" or "the Donetsk Region" as their venue are now inoperative in the territory of the DPR. We would also like to inform anyone concerned that the OSCE has declined the signing of the Memorandum on the terms and procedure of the Mission's operation in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic. Up to the present moment, the representatives of the central Kiev office of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine have not answered our request of May 13, and thus they even declined the discussion of the conditions and safety of their visits to the territory of the DPR. Under such conditions, all responsibility for further consequences rests with the representatives of the OSCE Mission who continued their operations after the 12th of May without legitimate authorization. We would like to inform anyone concerned that no OSCE international missions or those of any international or national organizations can be continued in the territory of the DPR without signing appropriate international agreements with the Government of the DPR, except the Red Cross Mission whose activities within the framework of its humanitarian functions we are ready to support without supplementary conditions. The same is true in respect of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) fact-finding mission investigating possible use of chemical weapons in the cities of Odessa and Mariupol whose beginning we greet. The respective interested states and international organizations should immediately get in touch with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPR using any contact details specified on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPR in order to agree upon the terms of their officials' visits to the territory of the DPR and their accreditation. Otherwise, all blame for illegitimate activities in the territory of the DPR and their possible consequences will rest with the respective international organizations and governments. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People's Republic (Перевод
Е. Цыпин) |
Official website of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the DPR |
Официальный сайт Министерства
Иностранных Дел Донецкой Народной Республики и Новороссии |